The age old question: Blonde or brunette? And more specifically, blonde Beyonce or brunette Beyonce?

H&M created quite the little case study when they released two versions of its ad for the new Beyonce as Mrs. Carter for H&M collection. Both feature Mrs. Carter but in one she is blonde and in the other brunette. AceMetrix Live conducted a survey to see which ad performed better, and which version of Beyonce was more recognizable. Blonde scored significantly higher on both counts. Sixteen percent of viewers were able to positively identify Beyonce as a blonde, compared with just seven percent when she was a brunette. 

Now we beg the question, who exactly was AceMetrix polling that only seven percent of subjects surveyed could identify the Queen? And question number two (and what we really want to know”>, what does the NaturallyCurly World have to say on the subject? We polled our Facebook and Instagram fans and it’s no surprise that the feedback was fiercely in favor of her natural, dark hair color. Sixty percent of you prefer her dark hair, with several of you pointing out her striking resemblance to Solange.

Years of interviews and community feedback tells us that the number one reason that women love their curls is the versatility, we love our options! Whether it’s blonde, curly, short, straight, dark or long – we tend to agree that options are the best policy. So 25 percent of you said you like Bey either way. Watch the videos and weigh in, let us know what you think.

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