Kinky-Curly Knot Today and Ouidad Mongongo Oil

2. Modify Leave-in Conditioners

The second change I made was to try and modify Kinky-Curly Knot Today, my favorite leave-in conditioner. I was feeling like KCKT needed a little more moisture, and I really didn’t want to try another leave-in product. Yes, I am ridiculously attached to KCKT. I decided I was going to experiment with adding some oil to it. In the past I have had zero luck with oils. They either weigh my hair down or break up the clumping I have worked so hard to get. I was thinking by mixing an oil in with my leave-in conditioner, I might be able to add some needed moisture to my my curls without having to switch to another product.

I tried several different oils and had the best results with Ouidad Mongongo Oil. I poured my usual amount of KCKT into the palm of my hand. I then sprayed two little pumps of the Mongongo Oil into the center of the the KCNT and rubbed my palms together. I scrunched the mixture into my hair and could tell immediately that it was working. Good clumping was happening, and my hair felt smooth and moisturized. I followed with my favorite mousse of the moment, Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Curl Boosting Mousse.

MORE: Leave-in Conditioners

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