Oyin Handmade Juices and Berries

My type 4 TWA is naturally dry, so I like to wash it or bother it as little as possible to prevent breakage from sheer manipulation. That means I need products or care methods that help me moisturize and layer to achieve second, third and even fourth day hair. I like to call these refreshers. There are three ways that I refresh a day one wash and go throughout the week.

1. Oyin Juices and Berries

When I don’t have much time in the morning, I can spritz my TWA with some Juices and Berries, shape my hair with my hands and be ready to go. Besides having a nice sweet smell, it works to provide light moisture while lifting my curls from their flatted position. On a humid day, it also pulls in moisture so that my coils get all soft and juicy-looking!

Read More: “The Coiffure Project” Brings Natural Hair To the Art World

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