Dear Cozy: My baby has curly hair—around 3b/c—and every time I braid her hair. it gets frizzy around day 3 and I want to start doing protective braids and leave in for 2 weeks but by the end of week 1, her hair looks like a disaster. Should I use braid sheen or what? I need help.

A: Braid sheen is a great idea. Try spraying in a small amount the second day of the braids and then approximately every other day after that. Be careful just to use a little sheen, otherwise it will make hair greasy. Now, here’s a secret tip—put a bandanna on your daughter’s head before bed, as this will help keep hair from getting ruffled and frizzy.

Fruity Delight Detangler

Fruity Delight Detangler

Dear Cozy: I’m a mostly straight-haired mom with a 2 1/2-year-old daughter. She has very fine strawberry blond hair. It was straight until she was about a year old but started to become curly. Now it is about a 3a, and seems to be getting curlier by the day. There is still some hair underneath at the back that is straight: I expect that it will eventually get taken off by haircuts. At the front where her hair is a bit shorter, especially in this warm weather, it is very much tight corkscrews. It is still quite thin but getting thicker and I have very thick (but fine”> hair so it is possible she is heading in that direction. I’m at a loss as I’ve never dealt with hair like this. Initially we were washing it every night: I’ve just started a 2x a week regimen to see if that helps. We are using the Johnson’s curly hair no-tear shampoo/ conditioner. It gets VERY tangled though on account of being so fine, so we rinse it and then I spray some Johnson’s detangler in it and comb it through and let it dry. The tangles are tiny little knots so I don’t think detangling with fingers is an option. In the morning it is a huge, tangled frizzy mess, so I spray it with water and get it quite wet, then detangler and then I comb it. Sometimes I need to do it again after her nap. It still gets frizzy regardless. I’m open to any suggestions as far as conditioners etc, and any other help!

A: Your daughter’s hair is definitely “maturing,” just like the rest of her! It’s great that you recognize this & are changing your care regimen. Washing less often is definitely the right start. So many people over-wash their children’s hair. As for products, I think that the best thing to do is to experiment with different products and find what works best for you. If you aren’t happy with what you are currently using, try something else! I recommend the So Cozy line, which was created by the staff at Cozy’s Cuts For Kids in NYC. It was formulated specifically for children and is quite gentle and nourishing. The Fruity Delight Detangler is especially amazing!

As for the tangles, try putting in a loose braid or pony for her to sleep with at night to help prevent tangles, and try to keep her hair up during active times like sports or playground. Good luck!

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