curly haired daughter

The versatility of curls!

I prayed my whole life for curly hair. You see, I was born with my mother’s long, straight hair with not a single wave in sight. For years, I spent hundreds of dollars on perms every few months, trying in vain to make my hair do what it was never intended to do. I finally gave up the quest sometime after college and accepted the truth of my baby-fine, straight hair.

And then God answered my unanswered prayers for curly hair by blessing me with 3 beautiful daughters, all of whom have gorgeous curly hair. Ah, beautiful curls, how I love thee! Let me count the ways! I can do anything with the curls that crown the heads of my daughters. For years, I have reveled in the curls, using products like Miss Jessie’s Baby Buttercreme and Miss Jessie’s Curly Pudding to accentuate the curls. These two products smell good enough to eat and make the curls spring to life when I put their hair in puff balls or leave natural.

But sometimes, a change is nice. And while I’ve always yearned for curls, my daughters have always wanted a change, too—straight hair, for a change.

Recently, we visited the salon for quick trims and I watched our Beauty Master a.k.a. Renee Harris of HCS Salon in Austin use a hair dryer, instead of a flat iron, to straighten the curls. I was absolutely amazed! Their hair was soft and straight without a hint of a wave. How was this possible? Renee explained the trick was to protect the hair from the heat and to use a flat brush. Well, I took careful notes, watching her like a hawk, and then replicated the process at home.

Keep in mind Renee has been doing this for 30+ years. I, on the other hand, am just beginning, so it took several sessions to perfect the process, but I have to say I look like a pro, wielding that flat brush in one hand and a smoking hot hair dryer in the other. Renee suggested I pick up a jar of a new product she was loving called Oil Sheen in a Jar made by Lisa Akbari Hair Nutrition System to protect the curls from the heat of the dryer. The product is a beautiful honey color and thick like Vaseline with a wonderful smell. It literary coats the hair, giving it a fabulous shine and luster. I love this stuff! And I love what I can do with it.

I have such versatility with my children’s hair. Their hair can be curly or straight, long or short, up or down. My girls are every woman! And through them, I am finally blessed with the hair I always wanted.

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