Hints for Fall Makeover Transitions:

  1. Find a stylist you REALLY enjoy working with. It took me a while and it’s not always easy. Mine has moved to 3 different salons and I follow her everytime. I simply enjoy how she cuts my hair, offers ideas and suggestions. She also has curly hair, wears it curly and knows how to cut curly hair. After going through a lot of stylists, I found one that I trust, enjoy and know will be good to my hair.
  2. Go to your stylist prepared. You should know what you’re looking for and have ideas of the results you would like to see. Bring magazines or pictures to illustrate you ideas. A good stylist will be able to tell you if your ideas match your hair type. They may also suggest some ideas as well.
  3. Be as specific as you can be.  Put all the details out and on the table: color, cut and style, how much you want taken off , types of layers, bangs… Then discuss it together so that you know what to expect during your visit.
  4. It’s fall but that doesn’t mean you have to go with orange. There are some great colors out there, but you should have an idea of what will work and what won’t work on your hair. Ask  your stylist for suggestions and do a little research on colors that will complement your skin tone or make the color of your eyes pop.
  5. Don’t be afraid to try something new. If you have an idea for something different or a new look you want to try, go for it. If you’ve discussed it with your stylist, chances are it will look great even if it may take you some time to get used to, so, why not try it out?

Check out Tara’s fall curl makeover, complete with a bouncy blow out!

A Fall Curl Makeover

Changing up your look for the changing seasons

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Get more tips and tricks for your curls, coils and waves on NaturallyCurly’s YouTube channel.

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