
Do you and your hair have an on-going love affair? Some days does your mane want independence from your frizz-free ways? Then it’s about time to rekindle the the flame and wrangle your hair back in!

Misting your hair with a trigger spray bottle is a great way to put some life back into your curls without the time, hassle, heat and the damage of a full-blown shampoo and styling session. A spray bottle can be incorporated into your regular curly hair care routine for support and assistance, from detangling to reducing frizz and much more! Of course, what you put in your spray bottle is the most important part of this process.

What you put in your bottle will depend on what you need, be it less frizz, more body, or what have you. Best of all, you can use household products and curly hair care products you already own.

What To Use

  1. Water. All alone, water is a source of life for your hair. Water has a pH slightly more alkaline than hair and skin. A misting of water plumps hair up, providing body and fullness. Water will also reduce static and calm fly-a-ways. Super fine mist bottles create almost fog like vapor that works well and feels refreshing, too.
  2. Lemon Juice. The acidity of lemon juice reduces frizz by closing the cuticle, the outer layer of the hair. Closing the cuticle aids in light reflection meaning that lemon juice also adds loads of shine! Lemon juice will also lighten hair a bit, providing some highlight for added dimension and texture. Add the juice of one large lemon to a 12-ounce bottle of water for a proper mix.
  3. Conditioner. Smoothing and detangling conditioners can be diluted with water to make light weight sprays. Spray this mix on your curls to restyle and refresh your curls any time. One ounce of rinse out conditioner added to 12 ounces of water works well.
  4. Styling Glaze or Gel. Sometimes, even the lightest styling products can be too heavy for your hair. Mix two ounces of styling glaze with 12 ounces water to create a spray-able styling liquid. Shake well with every use and prime the sprayer with a few spritzes if the product appears to separate between uses.
  5. Silicone Shine Drops. Add eight to ten drops of silicone based shine to a 12-ounce water bottle to create a great detangling solution. Shake it up and spray it on. Use a wide-toothed comb, or your fingers, working from the bottom up, to remove snarls and snags. There is no need to rinse afterwards. Just go about your regular styling routine.

Want More?

Become a mixtress, make your own homemade hair treatments and share them with other curlies!

Final Thoughts

What homemade curly hair care remedies do you use to keep your curls looking their best?

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