
Congratulations on your big chop and welcome to #teamnatural! So now what?

If you have goals for growing your hair out, you may feel like you just signed up to run a marathon! Don’t panic! You can pace yourself with these tips so that you don’t run out of breath before you reach your grow out goal.

Commit to It

First, make a commitment to your grow out goals and write them down. Knowing specifically where you want to go with your hair will help you know when you get there. Set mini-goals so that you can celebrate your progress and be encouraged to continue.

Try not to create timelines for your goals based on the grow out experiences of others. It’s your journey, and the growth rate of your hair will help set the right pace for you.

Got Patience?

Your grow out journey may be difficult at times, and there’s no formula to tell how long it will take you to reach your personal goals, so patience is a must. You may get bored after doing a wash-n-go for the 45th time, so mix it up and get creative. Even if you still have a TWA, you can always change things up with hats, head wraps, head bands, hair pins and other accessories.

Technically Speaking

Whatever methods or products you choose to use, be sensitive to your hair’s needs. Choose products and methods because they work for you and your hair. Once you find a good go-to product, stick to it and always keep it on hand, especially while you’re trying new products.

Don’t be afraid to try new products, but don’t waste time and money trying every natural hair care product. To avoid accumulating a bathroom cabinet full of products that don’t work for you, look for products that will fill a specific need for your hair.

Live Healthy

Healthy hair is growing hair. If you want healthy hair, strive for a healthy body, because your hair is a part of your body! Take care of yourself by eating lots of fresh nutrient rich foods like veggies and fruits and cutting back on processed foods. Choose water over soft drinks more often. Get moving whenever you can by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking walks, or hitting the gym. You will start to feel healthier, and so will your hair!

Record and Share

Keep a photo journal or video journal of your progress. Keeping a visual record of your journey will give you proof of how far you’ve come if you start to feel like you aren’t making progress. Share your experiences with other curlies and friends who will support and encourage you on your hair growth journey.

Do you have any tips or techniques that you have learned so far on your hair growth journey?

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