Constantly comparing myself to the beautiful women I saw on hair product advertisements, TV commercials, and even movies and thinking to myself, “She has the same hair type I do, but my hair doesn’t look like hers (does that make sense?”>” I realized that my hair is truly MY HAIR. Nobody else’s. I have no clue what that girl uses, or what she did to achieve that look. Everyone has different needs for their own hair and it’s going to take a while to find what those needs are. A lot of trial and error, plenty of patience. Having a great support system always helps, too.

Returning to your natural roots may not be the overnight success you were hoping for, but trust me, girl–it will be well worth it! Do what works for you and be happy in it. Embrace all of your own personal beauty quirks and flaws (if you want to call them that”>, and stop comparing your selfie side by side to another whose hair will never resemble yours.

How long has it taken you to accept your hair’s true, natural texture?

Let me know what motivated you to stay in the journey, or if you realized it wasn’t for you. And keep up with my personal hair and health journey here.

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