coralie natural hairNC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear with your curls?

CH: Sometimes I don’t feel like putting too much effort into doing my hair, so I have a hairband and several scarves that I use. I pull my hair to the top of my head and wrap the hairband or scarves around it. Other times, I’ll braid the sides and let the middle section of my hair fall. 

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

CH: As I mentioned earlier, my essential oils and shea butter are definitely my must have products. They work perfectly.

NC: What about your hairstylists?

CH: Me, myself, and I!

NC: Do you color your hair?

CH: I’ve never colored my hair before, but I’m planning to color it by the end of this year. I’m a little scared of the unnatural ingredients and products…still thinking about it!

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

CH: I seal my curls with a little bit of avocado oil, braid them and tie with a scarf.

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