The Denman Brush is a very popular detangling tool among the curly community, it won this years Best of the Best , but it has also been known to be a controversial topic. It is used mainly to detangle natural Type 3c and Type 4 hair when wet.

Many curlies rave about the way a Denman can cut down their detangling time, and it also works to evenly distribute product in curly hair. In addition, the brush helps achieve curl definition.

However, as with any tool or product one size does not fit all. Some curlies find that the brush pulls out too much hair, and others have experienced frizz. Furthermore, the Denman has a higher price point than other brushes, ranging between the $10-$19.

So is a Denman Brush better than a regular brush?

It depends on your detangling preference.

Many curlies view the right detangling tool as an investment, and if you want to focus on curl definition and decreasing your detangling time, then a Denman may be for you. There are a variety of Denman Brushes to choose from, though it’s best to purchase a brush that uses 5-7 rows of bristles.

If the brush snags your hair, all is not lost! Don’t be discouraged if the brush doesn’t live up to your expectations on the first try, you may just need to modify the brush to suit your curls. Many naturalistas remove every other row of bristles to create what is known as a “modified Denman.” Also, be sure that you are using the brush slowly to avoid unnecessary hair pulling.

Prefer a cheaper alternative? Try generic brushes, wide tooth combs, and (the cheapest option”> finger detangling.

Detangling must-have

No matter what tool you choose for your detangling session, it’s essential to use a conditioner with “slip.” This allows the tool to easily slide through your hair.

While detangling, start from the end of your hair and slowly work your way to the root. Create sections and twist your detangled hair as you go to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Lastly, take your time while detangling your hair. Always schedule your detangling session on a day when you’re not in a rush to be anywhere. Rushing this process can cause hair breakage and pulling.


Must-Have Detanglers for Curly Hair

6 Products with the Best Slip

5 Conditioners That Melt My Tangles Away

Do you use the denman brush? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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