Hair and nail growth depend on the circulation of blood in the body, says Jonathan Torch of the Curly Hair Institute in Toronto, Canada. Regular scalp massages can help stimulate hair growth by increasing circulation to the scalp and the hair follicles.

Christo recommends a scalp exercise treatment. Using mint oil or bay leaf oil, the scalp is massaged for 15 to 20 minutes every other day.

“The scalp is the only part of our body that doesn’t get a lot of exercise,” Christo says. “If the scalp is healthy, the hair will grow healthy.”

Make sure you care for your hair. Dry, fragile hair breaks, which can reduce length. Use high quality styling tools to reduce the wear and tear on the hair.

Make sure you keep the hair conditioned and trimmed regularly – every eight to 10 weeks for long hair and six to eight weeks for short hair, says Dr. David Cannell, vice president of research and development for Redken. And style your hair in a way that doesn’t stress it. Styles in which the hair is pulled tightly can stress the hair shaft, causing hair loss and breakage.

Diane Da Costa

Diane Da Costa recommends wearing protective styles when growing out your hair.

“Those growing out a relaxer should use natural sets, flat twists or rod sets,” says Diane Da Costa, author of “Textured Tresses.” “Also, braids and some weaves—if done properly and taken care of—can help the hair grow in the interim.”

If you do have chemical services performed, make sure they are done professionally, and ask your hairdresser for the right products.

There are certain ingredients that help promote healthy hair growth, such as sesame oil, shea butter, rosemary and cloves.

“Any ingredient with a soy protein can help stimulate the scalp,” says Christo.

Removing product buildup also is critical to the growth of healthy hair. Products with a lot of waxes, gums and heavy oils can suffocate the scalp and can inhibit hair growth.

There are drugs that can help stop hair loss and promote regrowth in those with thinning hair. Rogaine and Minoxidil are the only over-the-counter drug recognized to promote hair growth and stop hair loss. And Propecia (finasteride”> is a FDA-approved pill proven to treat male pattern hair loss. But these are serious drugs. They aren’t designed to make hair grow faster.

Patience, says “Curly Girl” author Lorraine Massey, is essential for hair growth.

“Just zen out of your regularly scheduled program,” Massey says. “Just live through it, don’t poo it, extra One Condition it, extra Angell it, enjoy it, and most importantly love it. As long as you’re alive, your hair will grow. Trust me.”

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