What do you love most about your hair?

I love my curls! They are springy, bouncy and I just can’t get enough, lol!!! 

What has been the most memorable part of your journey?

The most memorable moment would have to be during my transition phase experimenting with Kinky Curly products.  My hair was braided to the scalp on one side with rubber bands. Now the shampoo to this product reads- ‘…if your hair has any oils, take a pinch of baking soda, mix it with the shampoo, wash hair until it’s squeaky clean. Well I followed the instructions, but by accident I left a rubber band in my hair; Lets just say rubber, baking soda, shampoo, and water dont mix. I had a perfect DREAD LOC! This journey has been easy at times and difficult at others, but I wouldn’t change a thing. 

What are some of your favorite hairstyles?

While I was transitioning, ponytails and scarves were my go to hairstyles. I wasn’t familiar with the natural hair community on YouTube until after my Big Chop, and that’s when I fell in love with my curls .

Any memorable reactions from family or others?

One of my most memorable experiences took place in a Beauty Supply store, when an elderly woman asked me where I got my curly weave/wig from!

Me: Oh no ma’am this is my hair!

Elderly Woman : No baby, that’s not your hair!

Me: Would you like to touch it ?

Elderly Woman: COME HERE.

Y’all, she was all up and through my head!

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