We even talked about the very question posed at the beginning of this article. I asked him how he felt about me approaching him about going natural. He had this to say:

It’s not like you were asking for my permission. You’re grown, and ultimately you’re gonna do what you want to do for yourself. But the fact that you thought enough of me, and value me enough to approach me with the topic says a lot. It lets me know that you respect me…and that you respect my opinions.

At the end of the day, for me, consulting your significant other in the decision to big chop, transition, or go natural does not make you subservient, or strip away your self-determination or empowerment as a woman. It has more to do with communication and partnership than it has to do with control and permission.

After all, if Samuel decided to shave his head bald, I’d expect him to approach me about it, too.

What say you, NaturallyCurly community? Did you consult your significant other before going natural, why or why not? What would you do, single ladies? Sound off!

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