To be fair this was a twist out, but you can see how dry, brittle and just plain SAD my hair was two months ago.

The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem right? So I did. I got it together and starting deep conditioning weekly again, moisturizing my hair nightly and in the morning, if need be as well. I was on it! My hair was looking better and better and then I decided to straighten it. LOL!In my defense, I straightened only after feeling comfortable that my hair was ready for the heat. When I grew tired of straight hair (which was pretty quickly”> I went back to my routine. So here is a guide to what I did to bring my hair back to life.

Chances are if you’ve been neglecting your hair, you’ve also been neglecting your scalp

I used a sulfate-free clarifying shampoo to rid of any build-up on my scalp. You should apply the shampoo to a dry scalp to give the shampoo a fighting chance. Rinsing your hair first won’t be as effective.”

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