Right before the new year I declared over my life that 2017 will be the year of unapologetic self-care.

Right before the new year I declared over my life that 2017 will be the year of unapologetic self-care. While 2016 was a complete travesty for most of us, quite a few us are looking at 2017 with a the refreshed mindset we need in order to reclaim our light.

However, to accomplish real inner change, self-care is and will continue to be the move.

By having even the most minimal of self-care practices, you are allowing yourself the space to decompress and feel, leaving you with the ability to feel even more connected and centered with yourself. Though sometimes it can be overwhelming to seek new ways to practice whatever makes your soul feel good, the answer is to turn your current routine into moments of relaxation.

Take wash day, for instance!

We all have one, and whether yours lasts for 30 minutes or a full day, you probably take part in this practice at least once a week. Wash Day appeals to every sensory experience that self-care provides, yet we often fly through this process as quickly as possible in order to move on to the next task. Sometimes, we even use Wash Day as a time to multitask to get as much done as possible, thus focusing less on the task at hand. But what if you shook up the narrative a bit? What if we actually became really mindful of our movements, our process, our time, and our strands?

Wash Day can be a new moment to practice setting new intentions over your future hairstyle while allowing you uninterrupted time to melt away the stress of the day.

On your next styling day, try jamming out to a banging playlist. Smell your coconut oil, massage some into your scalp, and let yourself go! Take Wash Day as a time to vibe out, thinking about that rejuvenated confidence boost you are going to have after those Bantu knots come out!

Here’s my personal Wash Day playlist, tailored just for the naturally curly girls of the world.

2017 is your year, and Wash Day is your day.

Now go out and enjoy your new day of self-care with this curated playlist. Happy listening!

Follow Lauren on Instagram @leauxren

Read How Busy Naturals Practice Self-Care

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