I get asked the question every day, “Why did you go natural?” I wish I could come up with just one reason, but I can’t. I went natural for several reasons, but versatility was number one on the list. When you go natural, it’s not just about wearing one style—it’s about the several styles you can do.

Wearing your natural hair offers several options:

Wearing Your Natural Hair Texture

This one is a given. Rock your natural hair pattern. The best thing about going natural is the fact that you have your own unique pattern. You can use products to enhance your curl pattern and just do wash and go’s for a great look that only YOU can create. Curly extensions in a naturally curly texture are really popular these days due to ladies trying to recreate the curls we have.


Twist Outs/Braid Outs

This is a method where you use your styling product of choice and twist or braid the hair all over. When the hair is dry, you unravel and have a wavy or curly pattern. Your natural pattern is manipulated temporally (non-chemically”> and offers a different pattern than your own. By doing this style, it doesn’t mean you have to be unhappy with your natural texture, it’s just something different. I like doing these because it gives me a bigger look and it lasts longer than my wash and gos.



You can do an afro with natural hair. If you pick out your natural curly, coily, or kinky hair, it will create an afro and you can mimic your mom’s look in the ’70s. This is something fun to do and trust me, all eyes will be on you!


Yes! You can straighten natural hair and still be natural. It is temporary and not chemically altering. This offers the complete opposite style than your natural texture. I always love the shocker of someone seeing my hair straight for the first time. Straightening your natural hair offers the straight look you may miss from their relaxed days, but looks even healthier. Best of all, when you wash it, it goes back to your natural texture!


We have the option of using all types of color. Using color is safer on natural hair than on relaxed hair. Why? Because it’s not being double processed. The blond I have in my hair now—if I were relaxed, my hair probably would be breaking off. This is one of the things I love about being natural. I can show my creative style with color and still have healthy hair.

My family always comments, “You look different every time we see you.” It’s the same hair, just different styling methods. We have the versatility that ladies with chemical relaxers don’t have. So why do I love being natural? Because I can rock a different style every day of the week and look completely different.

If you are looking for something new and want to change your look up a bit, check out the forums on this site and check out our YouTube channel for style inspirations.

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