Relaxed hair

Many women transition with visions of loose hanging curls or tightly coiled afros

3. Be open-minded.

So many of us have been getting our hair relaxed so long that we have totally disconnected with our natural hair texture. We’re conditioned to get a touch-up as soon as the “nappy” roots begin to peek out. Many women transition with visions of loose hanging curls or tightly coiled afros in their mind’s eye, while their natural texture may not be able to accommodate those styles. It is important for transitioners to be open-minded about what their actual texture will be so as not to be disappointed if their texture is not the one of their dreams.

4. Be observant.

Are you paying attention? Did you notice how your natural roots and your relaxed hair responded to your last deep-conditioning treatment? Are you losing more hair than normal when you detangle? Is your hair drier? What are the differences in the feel of your natural versus relaxed hair? Transitioners must be extra observant in order to effectively manage both textures. Being observant helps you keep your hair healthy and have a successful transition because you will…

5. Be flexible.

Paying attention to both textures is key in flexibility. Being flexible is key in retaining two healthy textures on your head. If you’re flexible, you’ll quickly change up a product that doesn’t work well for one of your textures and avoid damage. You’ll also switch up styling options that no longer work for both textures. You’ll need to have a variety of styles that allow both textures to coexist happily. This means you’ll either make the relaxed ends curly or the natural roots straight.

If you’ve got these five attributes, you’ll have an easier, more rewarding transition and reach your goal with less stress. Good luck on your journey.

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