ladies with curly, coily and wavy hair standing in a group

Survey Says

New research indicates that curlies are loving their texture and hungry to keep the conversation going.

Did you know that 65 percent of people with wavy hair straighten it at least sometimes? More than half of their curly and coily counterparts however, choose to go “natural” all of the time. Your stylist should take note of this difference and cater to your needs and wants for your personal texture.

“You cannot look at all textured clients as one category,” cautions Michelle Breyer, president of TextureMediaInc. “There are different needs and desires depending on their texture, because not all texture is created equal! If you want to be a well-rounded texture stylist, you must understand that there’s more than one type of texture client.”

Recent research also indicates that those with textured hair are continually looking for new options. Nearly half of curlies who are happy with their product of choice still have an eye out for the next great development. That nonstop interest in your texture should encourage you to keep the conversation open with your hair stylist to introduce you to new products and tools that will work for you even after you have found a solution to your hair issues. The two major reasons that people seem more accepting of their curls today vs. five years ago are that stylists and products are increasingly addressing their needs and that people are more appreciative of their own natural beauty.

Perhaps the best news from the market research department is that a small minority (only two percent”> of those with textured hair say they wish they had straight hair. Today’s curlies are either fully embracing their curl or admit to good days and bad days. As stylists are becoming more fully educated about texture and more skilled at styling it, they will be able to help you make every day a day that you are grateful for the beautiful texture that nature provided.

Read More: 10 Worst Things Your Stylist Can Say

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