Woman sitting on stairs with short curly hair

Image by: Brio Photography

Don’t get me wrong, I love rockin’ my short, natural, 3b/3c curls, but I also enjoy switching up my naturally curly hair with protective styles. I mean versatility is key right? Especially since I’m growing out my pixie cut, it can be challenging finding hairstyles that work for my hair during this in-between phase and honestly wearing my hair the same way every day gets old, really fast. To add some length and volume to my hair, I tried the Bounce Beach Wave hair extensions and here’s how I kept them fresh and fabulous while protecting my natural hair. insert hair flip here*

Ways to Style Hair

In order to protect my natural hair, I got a versatile sew-in by my stylist, Tara. She braided my hair where I can wear a part down the middle, side part, and ponytail. Since the hair extensions were a loose wave, I applied heat to my hair about every 4 days to blend my natural hair seamlessly. To be sure I didn’t get any heat damage I used my go-to heat protectant before applying heat. Ultimately, I chose to get hair extensions to help my hair grow, so it was very important for me to be mindful of how much heat I applied and keep my styling as low maintenance as possible. When I didn’t have much time I would refresh my hair with water and a styling cream and wear it wavy. When I wanted a more defined look, I would wand my hair or pin curl it and seal it with a light-weight oil, which was great because both of these styles held a curl pretty good where I didn’t have to curl my extensions daily.

Tip: The more heat you apply the looser the curl gets, so try your best to use heatless options such as flexi rods or pin curls when possible.

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Wash Day Essentials

I’ve learned that the better you take care of your hair extensions, the more opportunity you have in reusing them for a future style, especially if you invest in quality, human hair. As I said I tried my best to apply heat only every 4 days or so and would wash my scalp and hair extensions weekly. Since I exercise frequently, it was essential for me to cleanse my scalp weekly because the wave itch was something serious. If you’re not sweating much or not experiencing an itchy scalp you can wash every other week. I wore my extensions for 6 weeks and here’s my wash routine that saved my scalp. I never realized the importance of oiling my scalp until I started getting protective styles. Not only is it important to keep a clean scalp, but it’s also important to wash and deep condition the hair extensions just as you would your natural hair. While wearing a sew-in, I followed my normal wash routine of a conditioner followed by deep conditioner. I noticed each time I deep conditioned the hair extensions were softer than before with even more bounce. After each wash and daily I used this scalp oil not only would it soothe the itching but it also is great for hair growth.

Tip: Treat your extensions as you would your natural hair and wash them regularly.

Are you growing your hair out or transitioning? Let me know how you’re taking care of your hair during this time, I’d love to know in the comments below.

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