Looking for methods to help moisturize your natural hair? Winter got your hair crying the dry hair blues? I’ll be honest, this Chicago weather is not being nice to my hair. I have been consistent with my regimen, and focusing on the health of my hair to make sure I am keeping it properly moisturized. I have implemented some practices and techniques that have helped me. Since I started being consistent with my healthy hair regimen, I have noticed a tremendous difference in the moisture of my hair. Here are a few tips to help you moisturize your natural hair.


This pre-shampoo treatment, is done by adding oil to your hair before washing. It helps to protect and nourish the hair and also helps the detangling process. I like to use grapeseed oil or sweet almond oil.

Baggy Method

To do this method, you simply apply a water based leave in conditioner and place a plastic cap on for 10-15 minutes. This method helps to trap the moisture in your hair. Check out my post on the baggy method here.

Deep Condition Regularly

How many times have you heard about deep conditioning? Well there is a good reason you keep hearing about consistent deep conditioning. Deep conditioning is used to help moisture and nutrients penetrate the hair strand. Make sure that you are not putting the conditioner on your scalp. This can be a reason that you notice build up after a few days. To get the most out of your deep conditioning session, use a plastic cap and sit under a hooded dryer or steamer. Which brings me to my next method–

Use Heat or Steam

Steaming helps add moisture back into your hair. I absolutely love steaming!  I also use heat when deep conditioning to help the conditioner penetrate my strands. Check out a post on steaming natural hair here.

LOC Method

I use the LOC method every time I wash my hair. This method helps your hair stay moisturized by sealing in the moisture. The L- is for leave-in (I usually use a liquid based leave-in”>, O- is for Oil, and C- is for Cream.

This article was written by Michelle Thames of HappilyEverNatural.com and published on CurlyNikki.

What methods do you use to moisturize your natural hair?

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