The first day of the school year rushes in like a breath of fresh air. Everything feels so new, from meeting new friends to plunging into new subjects. Before you know it, your calendar fills up and you wonder how you’re going to manage your curly mane.

No worries! Here, ringlet rules to swear by from homeroom until the bell rings at the end of the day.

Rule #1 — Keep a secret stash of hair helpers.

Transform your hip handbag and school locker into mini vanities to make superfast fixes throughout the day.

In your purse or backpack, tuck away an ouch-free elastic, a barrette or clip, and a half-dozen bobby pins (just in case you want to randomly pin back a few curls and twist-up your style”>. Also, remember to make room for a travel-size, curl-rejuvenating spritz to perk up your curls and smooth out frizz in a pinch.

As for what to lay away in your locker, Cozy Friedman, stylist and owner of New York’s Cozy’s Cuts for Kids Salon, suggests a special corner for your curl supplies.

“In the locker, I would keep a full-size styling gel or cream and a full-size spritz,” Friedman says.

Accessories are also critical. Lock away an extra ouch-free elastic, another barrette, a clip, a headband, and a hat for a last resort.

“There are also magnetic mirrors that you can put on the inside of your locker, so you can do a quick hair check,” Friedman says.

Read More: For more time-saving tress tricks read: 10 Tips to Simplify Your Style

Rule #2 — Less is more. Seriously.

Now that you’ve squirreled away products to pull out at a moment’s notice, you’ll be tempted to use them — a lot. But, stylists say, be mindful to only use what you need.

“I wouldn’t be putting all this product in your hair so early in the day because it will weigh it down,” Friedman says.

In other words, don’t gunk up your curls on a whim.

And when you head to P.E. class, protect your tresses from the sweaty heat during sports.

“You should definitely put your hair up in P.E.,” Friedman says. “It will prevent tangles, prevent frizz and save your hairstyle. After the gym, release the ponytail and add a touch of spritz.”

Again, not too much or you risk suffocating your textured tresses.

Read More: Learn whether your curls are cringing with product buildup, and find out what to do about it

Read More: Curly Hair Styles for Middle School

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