3 Reasons to Try a Twisted Updo this Protective Styling Season
Image Source: @_simplystasia

I’ve loved twisted updos for the fall/winter protective styling season. Seeing how other naturals manipulate their hair to create these fabulous updos is fun. There isn’t much of a learning curve because the hairdo depends more on our creativity and style.

Three little reasons twisted updos are awesome

  1. They can last a week or two, reducing styling time and hair manipulation. 
  2. They help keep the hair moisturized without having to reapply often since the hair is tucked away.
  3. Upon takedown, it’s easy to transition this style into another (if you so desire by simply adding misting with water and re-styling.)

When watching the tutorials below, still keep it interesting by adding your flair and doing what you feel like looks best on you: this could be adding a bang, a little eyeshadow for a pop of color, an accessory, etc. Having fun with your style makes protective styling easier!

Start on freshly washed, conditioned, deep-conditioned, and detangled hair. 

Check out the following twisted updos below for inspiration!

Natural Hair Flat-twist Updo Protective Hairstyle

3 Reasons to Try a Twisted Updo this Protective Styling Season
Image source: @tramthetrendsetter

Elegant Flat Twist Hairstyles | Natural Hair Tutorial

Article continues after video.
3 Reasons to Try a Twisted Updo this Protective Styling Season
Image source: @knottynandi

Flat Twist Updo | Natural Hair Tutorial

Article continues after video.

This article was written by Kanisha of BlackNaps.org and published on CurlyNikki. It has been updated since it’s original publication in 2015.

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