Reese Witherspoon

You can have celebrity skin, too!

You don’t have to be a Hollywood star to look like one! Celebrities want to look their best for red carpet events and you, too, can be picture perfect for your special day.

Maintenance and planning are the keys to perfect skin. Trying to get gorgeous skin overnight is not going to happen; you have to plan in advance.

So how do you achieve that beautiful glow? It starts on the inside and works its way outward. Great skin needs nutrition because your skin is the largest living organ in your body and it needs to be feed nutrients. Good eating habits combined with drinking a lot of water and regular exercise will do magical things to your body. Take your program a step further and add vitamins and antioxidants into your diet.

Start months before a special event to achieve beautiful skin. Great skin means you get on a regular skin care program. And never go to bed with makeup on your face. Cleanse your skin and apply rejuvenating skin care products for your skin type before bedtime. The night is when your skin will start to repair itself—and who wouldn’t want to look younger in the morning?

So here’s your guide to celebrity beauty secrets:

Deep Cleansing Facials or Chemical Exfoliation/Peels: Start doing this about 3 months before an event. One or two treatments a month will get your skin back in shape. I prefer chemical or enzyme peels to remove the thick, dead, cellular buildup many clients have when they are not on a good skin care program. And the better your home care program, the better your results will be when you do have professional treatments.

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