You can learn more about the 12-Minute Deep Treatment here.

Dear Ouidad: I have curly/wavy hair and am naturally curly!

My hair is a type 2a or 2b, it is a bit longer than my shoulders, and most of the time: CRAZY!

My hair seems to like to poof out in the most unrealistic forms, some days I could swear it is out to get me.

I am a teenager, so looks are important to me, and I just can’t seem to get the right one!

Anyway, my hair is wavy, frizzy, and about half the time it will dry in curls (the curls are loose, but are in ringlets”>, which will tangle and mat themselves in one another.

I would love to find a natural, inexpensive product that could work in my hair, whether it would make it more or less curly, it does not matter to me, either works. I will even go get my hair cut, if that is was it takes; I just want it to look O.K.! I live on an island, with a couple hair salons near my house, but none of them specialize in curls! What a shame! Oh did I mention my hair is THICK, I have never come across a person with as much hair as me, but I’m sure that there is someone out there. My hair is cut in long layer in the back, that’s about it!

Hoping you can help!

A: First and foremost, be sure to keep your hair hydrated—this will help with the frizz and matting. Use my 12-Minute Deep Treatment weekly until your hair becomes more manageable. Also, you can style your hair with Climate Control Gel which will help give the curls hold and definition as well as help with your frizz. If you have trouble finding Ouidad products at a salon, you can always order online at On my site you will also find lots of information and how-to videos to help you style and care for your curls.

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