It’s no secret that our community loves the ever-growing curly hair section at Target, and so do we! Whether it’s trying new products or re-stocking on Holy Grails, every time we need to pick up paper towels we can’t help but wind up in the hair aisle – we’ve all been there. Or do you ever find yourself sitting at your work desk but mentally, you are shopping for hair products? Some call it Product Junkie-ism, but we like to think of it as research at the NaturallyCurly offices. Here are the curl products that Evelyn, Jamie and Cristina got in the New Naturals Section on their most recent Target haul.

Watch our Target Haul

Evelyn has fine 4c that has been color-treated. Her go-to style is a twist-out so she likes products that will help her achieve that:

Jamie has 3b hair and her biggest issue is frizz, so she is always looking for products to help give her more curl definition:

Cristina has 2c, high porosity waves and curls. She wanted to try products that could help moisturize her color-treated hair and dry scalp:

What’s the latest product you got at Target?

READ: 12 Things Everyone’s Buying at Target

This post is sponsored by Target.

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