curly silk headband

Pictured: @graceeleyae silk headband

Even if you are the laziest of naturals, you’re going to rely on a few items to take care of your hair. Since the dawn of time, humans have been using basic tools to make their lives easier. We use them to manage nearly every aspect of our existences, and for those of us living la vida textured, the right tools can mean the difference between a great hair day and one spent hiding under a baseball cap. Proper tools are the foundation for keeping curls, coils, and waves in tip-top condition, especially if you’re committed to the lazy naturals lifestyle. Are you working with the right equipment? Here’s my list of essential natural hair tools.


curly bobby pins

1. Wide Tooth Comb

Tight curls and coils need wide tooth combs to gently detangle and eliminate shed hair. Look for a seamless comb to further protect tender curls. Make sure your hair is wet (with water, a water-based leave-in conditioner, or conditioner mix”> before combing through. For more control, divide hair into sections before detangling. Make sure to start at the ends and gently work your way up to the roots.


curly bobby pins

2. Clips

The easiest way to tackle natural hair is in sections. Once hair is divided, clips keep strands neatly parted while you work through each section. These are used for everything from conditioning to chemical services like coloring. Jumbo size duck clips are great for securing hair to preventing tangling. Use them for styling or washing textured hair in sections.


curly bobby pins

3. Elastic Bands

Elastic bands are invaluable for pulling hair out of the face and creating puffs and ponytails. Make sure to choose covered bands to avoid snagging delicate curly hairs. We use these Goody headbands like hair ties for all our sleek, pulled-back styles.


curly bobby pins

4. Bobby Pins & Hairpins

Every natural girl I know has a stash of pins somewhere. Anyone looking to quickly pin, tuck, or roll their curls needs them. Can’t tell these pins apart? Bobby pins have a ridged side, and are best for simple updos like French rolls and tucks. Place them wavy side down to help the pins grip hair correctly. Hairpins are best for buns and chignons.


curly satin pillowcase

5. Satin

Satin bonnets, scarves, and pillowcases allow the strands to glide on a surface that doesn’t rob them of precious moisture. Bonnets are the easiest to use, but will have you looking like grandma in the boudoir. Preserve your sexy along with your hair with a satin pillowcase. Use scarves to keep intricate braided and twisted styles intact and silk headbands for a quick go-to style.


curly spray bottle

6. Spray Bottle

Moisture, moisture, moisture is the textured girls’ mantra. Water is the ultimate hydrator but should be joined with emollients and humectants to be most effective. A spray bottle is a key tool to re-wet your hair while you’re detangling or styling it. You can also use a spray bottle if you delve into the world of DIY treatments or moisturizers. 

Here’s an easy moisture cocktail to keep our tresses quenched:

  • 1 part creamy conditioner
  • 3 parts water
  • 1 part oil

Experiment with your own formulas to figure out what’s best for your natural hair, and make sure you have a spray bottle to mist hair when needed.

What are your essential natural hair tools?

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