Our Q&A Section allows our dedicated curly community members to post, ask, and answer questions all things hair related. Be sure to stop by to engage with others like you and earn points while doing so! Member Orange Swirl recently posted this question:


“I’ve been giving this pineappling thing a try for about a month now. I was excited when I first found out about it but I’ve been disappointed with the results ever since. I always wake up with a huge dent in my hair …What are some other ways of wearing your hair overnight to protect the natural curl pattern (natural being the key word, I don’t want a new pattern from twist outs or bantu knots”>?”


Pile It

Loosely pile your hair on your head and tie it with a cotton hair tie or wrap.

Dampen and Style

You can slightly wet or dampen your hair, add a quarter size dollop of conditioner & gel (if the gel is too much for your hair, just stick with the conditioner”>. Then pile it up and tie up loosely.

Silk or Satin

It’s also best to sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase so your hair maintains shape and definition without drying out too much or catching onto the risky fibers.

Morning Refresher

In the morning, twist your hair into shape. If you need to, add some more water (with a spray bottle”> and lavender drops–to help bring back the shape and definition in your hair. If you’re not a huge fan of lavender oil, replace with your fave curl refresher (see recommendations below”>.


Product recommendations for 3B curls:

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