1. Introduce yourself!

My name is Jewellianna and I am originally from Washington DC but moved to Maryland in 2005! Last May, I graduated from Salisbury University where I majored in Psychology. Since graduating, I lived in Washington DC for a few months but now I am living back in Maryland. And just a few weeks ago, I started a new job at a real estate agency. Oh and my hair–I am not a fan of the hair typing system.

2. Why did you start a YouTube channel, and what is your main focus?

I wanted there to be a way for me to answer questions from my Instagram followers. I originally started an Instagram to connect with my friends, but soon I started to get lots of questions from people about my hair. YouTube was a way for me to share my knowledge and experiences with people in an easier, more informative way. I never expected for my channel to grow so much and I am so thankful to my friends and supporters on Instagram for pushing me to make a YouTube channel. Many of my YouTube videos are about natural hair care and beauty in general.

3. What makes you feel beautiful?

What makes me feel beautiful is self-love. I don’t care if I’ve spent hours doing my hair, makeup, and picking out the best outfit; if I don’t have self-love, then nothing in the mirror will make me feel beautiful. For me, self-love comes from accepting the fact that I have many flaws and that I will never be the most beautiful, outgoing, friendliest, or successful person. To truly love myself in all of my entirety, I must accept and love my flaws, past mistakes, and faults because they are JUST as important in making me the individual that I am as my more positive and admirable qualities. Honestly, self-love is what makes me feel beautiful.

When I look for confidence or reassurance in external sources or people, sooner or later I am always disappointed.

4. Where do you draw your confidence from?

I draw my confidence from within. When I look for confidence or reassurance in external sources or people, sooner or later I am always disappointed. I have come to know that everything that I need to be at peace and to be confident in myself, is within me. Reading about spirituality, inner peace, and inner growth, spending time alone and away from electronics, being around positive people, and giving love, makes me feel confident. When I spend too much time tuned into other people’s lives on social media and not enough time with myself and my inner needs, I start to lose focus and purpose and that is when the insecurities begin. Don’t get me wrong, I love social media and going out with people, but becoming too immersed in it and relying on it for happiness takes a toll on my confidence and inner wellbeing.

5. Who is your celeb crush?

I actually don’t watch television at all–I haven’t owned one in 5 years. I usually am not ‘keeping up with’ the latest trends or celebrities. And I actually don’t consider myself a stylish or trendy person either. I usually just wear whatever is in my closet and is going to flatter my body. I will do hair and makeup that I know will work. I am trying to be more experimental and I’m trying to step up my game with my style, hair, and beauty this year; so we will see.

6. What’s the worst thing someone has said to you about your hair?

My hair has been called a disgusting mess, fake, too much, ridiculous, nappy, etc. These are all things that people have said online. Most people don’t say mean things in person. Sometimes, when I am sitting in public, I will hear people behind me talking about my “weave” and how it is just “too much” for them. Of course, these people don’t think that I can hear them, or maybe they don’t care? But most of the negative comments are about the volume of my hair and how it is “too much” for them. It’s understandable though because I know that I do have a massive amount of hair and sometimes it’s a lot for me also!

7. How do you deal with online trolls and haters? Do you respond or just ignore them?

I used to respond to them, but never in an aggressive way. One of the worst things about social media is how the internet causes a disconnect between two sentient human beings. It creates this illusion that because I am on the internet, that I am different; and some people forget that I live a regular life and that the internet doesn’t take away my emotions and feelings. I am a very loving and friendly person so I used to get so caught off guard when people would react to me in a very unloving and unfriendly manner or when people would misunderstand my intentions. When I see negative comments, I know that they are always coming from people who aren’t completely happy with themselves or their lives; only hurt people will hurt people. There isn’t a single person who is truly confident, full-filled, and filled with self-love who will purposefully bring down another person. So I realized that reacting in an unloving way to a person who is lacking in love in some way–whether it is self-love or external love–isn’t appropriate. Now I just ignore negative comments. If I could, I would honestly give each of them a hug and a compliment because I know that love is all they need!

8. What do you hope to accomplish in your career?

I don’t have a clear plan for my future right now because I haven’t found my true passion yet. But my top dream job right now would be to become a college professor! I love to educate people and I love the freedom and creativity of being a college professor and how they can choose how they teach their classes. I was lucky to have amazing college professors who have made a huge impact on my life, and I would love to do the same! I think a little part of me would also like to become a successful YouTuber. I like how I have a more intimate connection with my subscribers right now. A part of me is afraid of what comes with being a successful a YouTuber, which is being held up on a pedestal while underneath a microscope. But the more that I grow and develop, the less afraid I will be of taking chances and being criticized, judged, and misunderstood.

Follow me @jewejewebee on Instagram & subscribe to my channel, JeweJewe Bee.

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