Vanessa VanDyke natural hair

Dear Vanessa,
Our inbox is filled with messages from women outraged at how you’ve been treated at school.  We know what it is like to be bullied because of our naturally curly hair. We think it’s wrong that you have been singled out by classmates and worst of all, grown ups. School is a place where you should be safe to learn and grow as a young woman. It should be a place to learn about cultures different from your own. A place to embrace differences not expel them.
We are in awe of your bravery and maturity in this situation. We also admire your mother, who no doubt taught you to stand up for yourself.
Vanessa, your hair is not a distraction. You shouldn’t have to alter yourself to fit in. For what it is worth, the online community here at thinks your hair is beautiful however you decide to wear it.
If you ever need a daily dose of inspiration and encouragement, the NaturallyCurly crew is here for you.

 Twelve year old Vanessa VanDyke recently faced explusion from her school because the way she wore her natural hair did not comply with the school’s guidelines. As of  our letter’s publish date, the administration maintains that her hair must fit within the school’s guidelines. Read the full story here
UPDATE: Faith Christian Academy released a video statement on December 1, 2013 concerning the recent media coverage. Watch the video here

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