How to Create a Scalp Care Regimen to Grow Healthy Natural Hair  According to a Trichologist


True #hairgoals is healthy hair regardless of length or curl pattern. Whether you’re newly transitioning or have been on the road to natural hair for several years, the most important thing is understanding your hair type and creating a solid hair regimen for your specific hair needs. Like any aspect in life, patience and consistency is key, including healthy hair growth. By far the most challenging part of embracing your natural hair is finding what products work best for your hair and being aware of not only what you put on your hair, but what you put in your body.

The founder and CEO of Righteous Roots, who is also a trichologist shared with us the bridge between scalp care and healthy hair and exactly how to create a scalp regimen that will grow hair fast, naturally. Plus, the importance of creating a healthy lifestyle that nourishes your body from the inside out. “There are no miracles in a bottle! Like with anything in life, you have to put in the work and it takes time. When people ask me questions regarding hair growth, my answer mainly remains the same:

Hair products are never a one size fits all. It can depend on your hair texture, porosity, how healthy or damaged hair you is and if hair loss is a medical issue or not. I recommend eliminating all heat while transitioning or if hair is thin and breaking. Trimming off all damaged ends and researching others with a similar texture to theirs to see what products and methods they are using,” she advises.

The Importance of Scalp Care

It’s no secret that having a healthy scalp is the secret to healthy hair. She stands by this claim and explains how to improve scalp conditions with JBCO. “Protecting and nourishing the scalp is important if you wish to have healthy hair. Once you get older, the skin on your scalp can have premature aging and cell regeneration can diminish causing hair to become thinner and possibly lose its ability to retain moisture. Having a healthy scalp is key to having healthy hair. Ingredients such as Jamaican Black Castor Oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties which work to improve scalp condition and overall health leading to a better chance for hair growth and thickening,” she assures.

How to Create a Scalp Care Regimen to Grow Healthy Natural Hair  According to a Trichologist


Scalp’s PH Levels

In order to understand the science of your hair it’s important to understand the importance of PH levels and what products to avoid to keep a balanced ph level. “Hair is covered by a very thin layer made up of oil, salt, and water called the acid mantle. Normal handling, like washing and styling, can contaminate or remove it, so it must be restored with the use of properly ph balanced products. Mildly acidic products can be applied to the hair to harden the outer layer, flatten the cuticles, and shrink the diameter of the hair. This serves to make the hair shiny and less prone to tangling and snagging on adjacent hair strands.” She adds, “Extreme alkaline solutions like perms or relaxers can cause the bonds between keratin protein molecules to break down and can eventually dissolve the protein completely. These type of solutions can be extremely damaging especially for fine and fragile hair.”

How to Create a Scalp Care Regimen

“Clarify – Bounce curl has a great one, the Pomegranate & Pumpkin Enzyme Gentle Clarifying Shampoo which thoroughly cleanses all hair types without drying it out while balancing moisture.

Apple cider vinegar rinse. Natural hair blogger, @themestizamuse has a great blog on the benefits of acv and how to mix it properly. Acv is also great for people with oily scalp because it helps to bring it back to its ideal acidity.

Exfoliate – Rawkyn Gold Scalp Scrub, which is an amazing exfoliating scalp scrub with grapeseed oil and acv. I have been using it for a while and it works very well alone or as a hot oil treatment.

How to Create a Scalp Care Regimen to Grow Healthy Natural Hair  According to a Trichologist


Last but not least, scalp massages! Scalp massages help promote circulation to the hair follicles which can promote growth and also aids in the removal of dead skin cells from the scalp. During the winter months, a hot oil treatment is beneficial for retaining moisture, tones down frizz, strengthens the hair, and adds shine. They also increase serotonin which is a chemical that improves your mood. I personally love to do scalp massages in the shower 3-4 days a week the steam helps to open up the follicles.

During the summer months, using a quality multi blend oil such as Righteous Roots Rx helps to protect your scalp from the sun. It has sesame oil which acts as a natural sunscreen, coconut oil which has been proven to help reduce protein loss, avocado oil which has a high proportion of monounsaturated fats and can provide a protective layer over the skin, and jojoba oil which provides natural moisturizers.”

The Difference Between Dandruff and Scalp Infections

Sometimes it can be tough understanding hair concerns and getting to the root of the issue. She explains how to know the difference between dandruff and scalp infections to be sure your scalp is treated properly. “Dandruff causes the scalp to flake and in some cases it may be caused by poor circulation, fungus, or a scalp infection. I recommend people see a doctor if they experience redness, sores, or open wounds and if home treatments like dandruff shampoos aren’t working, because they may have an infection. Some scalp disorders may also contribute to hair thinning, hair loss and hair breakage.”

How to Avoid Scalp Infections or Scalp Fungus

To maintain a healthy scalp and avoid scalp infections she suggets to implement the following in your routine. “Scalp massages to promote circulation, exfoliate or clarify, preserve moisture, and protect the scalp from the sun. Drink water and have a healthy diet.”

What are your top scalp care essentials? Let us know in the comments.

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