Dear Rebecca: My whole family has curly hair. I’ve fought through just about all the problems, from keeping it easy, drying my hair and determining what product works for me. I only have one problem: I am really busy, and I have really long curly hair. I take a shower at night because I don’t have time in the mornings before school. But when I wake up, my so-called luscious locks are a frustrating frizz.

I’ve tried everything from braids to hair wraps—nothing works. What am I to do? And should I cut my hair? I don’t like spending a lot of time on my hair. Is short curly hair easier to take care of? Can I have bangs? I’m so lost and I’m dying for a change. What can I do? HELP!

Dear Sweet Frizz: Okay, I hear you. You are ready for a change, something different. But before you dive into bangs or a short haircut, take the time to search out a look that you want. Then make an appointment with a curly hair stylist. This is soooo important because the stylist will use your pictures (of what you’ve researched”> to guide you and give you realistic expectations with all of your ideas. They may have a few suggestions of their own.

I will also say that if you are having difficulties with the length of your hair, you may want to simply evaluate the length. Obviously the length will determine the amount of time you must spend on it (longer hair—long time, shorter hair—shorter time”>.

I wish you well on your journey, and I’m sending you good hair vibes.

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