Yes it’s December! The New Year is right around the corner! Time to start working on those resolutions. Some we keep and others we don’t. I’ve realized it is much easier to keep resolutions when they are simple and realistic. We won’t dramatically morph into a new person at midnight….we can take steps to get there starting with our hair care.

Try out a few of mine below!

  1. Reevaluate your current regimen. If something isn’t working change it.
  2. Accept your hair. No one’s hair is perfect and that’s what makes it perfect.
  3. Cleanse and condition regularly. Try to do this once a week or biweekly. Deep condition for 15-30 mins each wash day.
  4. Try something new! New cut, color or both. It is nice to switch it up. Styling ruts are never fun.
  5. Clean out the closet and give back. Donate unused or gently used products to local women’s shelters or soldiers overseas. Throw out the rest (especially if expired”>.
  6. Get new hair tools. Combs, shears and brushes do not last forever. They become damaged by normal wear and tear. Hair can snag on them in that state. No bueno. Replace tattered bonnets and scarves too…we’ve all had one lol toss it out.
  7. Accessorize your situation. Get new hair accessories, earrings and other items to switch up your look.
  8. Restock and Discover. Restock your favorite products and discover new ones. Try new brands.
  9. Heat isn’t the enemy. Straightening the hair once in a while is nice. You can do blow outs and flat ironing. Be sure to always use heat protectant, chase method and minimal amounts of heat.
  10. Don’t fuss. If your hair regimen is too much then make it more low maintenance. Being natural isn’t supposed to be a chore. It is you being you…enjoy it!

This article was written by Emilia Obiekea of and published on CurlyNikki.

What resolutions will you be making. Share them in the comments below.

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