It’s gift giving season–Nikki and Evelyn are at it yet again! Here’s a homemade coco-mint butter. Because nothing beats being ash-free from head to toe in your family Christmas photo. “It smells like New York Peppermint Patty goodness,” Evelyn describes. 

What you will need

  • 4 ounces of cocoa butter
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil
  • 5-10 drops of vanilla essential oil
  • 5-10 drops of spearmint essential oil 
  • 1 glass container to store the butter in
  • Ninja Mini Blender 

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1. Add the cocoa butter, coconut oil, and jojoba oil into the blender until it is a thin, milky consistency.

2.  Add the vanilla and spearmint essential oils, and continue blending until it is silky smooth. Add more than 10 drops for a stronger scent.

The active ingredients

Spearmint essential oil contains Mint L-carvone and limonene, which are effective in preventing hair loss and strengthening the current hair strands and follicles. According to researchers from John Wiley & Sons, the flavonoids and menthol in spearmint actively promote the prevention of hirsutism (excessive hair growth”>.

Coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer, with fatty acids that provide hair with a silky, luscious feeling and look. It also lessens the visibility of a flaky scalp that tends to occur in the colder months with drier climates. This ingredient will also keep frizz and flyaways at bay by blocking moisture from entering and swelling the hair shaft.

Jojoba oil is similar in composition to natural scalp sebum, making it great for balancing the pH in hair that is unusually dry. It also provides a protective film over skin and hair shafts to lock moisture in for long periods of time. It can be applied directly to the scalp to trigger cells for regular, healthy and thicker hair growth.

Vanilla essential oil is an ideal temporary split end mender; it also works well to repair brittle hair and improving the feeling of damaged or over-processed hair that has been affected by environmental or styling variables. It penetrates deeply into the hair and skin shafts to provide an intense silky to the touch moisturization.

Make it a gift!

Coco-mint butter makes a great gift for those enjoy having moisturized hair and body with a festive flair, so now is the time to get creative! Evelyn and Nikki suggested decorating their glass jars with ribbon, bows, pom poms, glitter, and gift tags. Have the kiddos help you for a fun family bonding time during this holiday season.

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