Chunky Braid Out

Define your texture.

To get the best results with this style, clean and condition your hair before the braiding process. While your hair is still damp, take a medium-sized section of your hair and braid the hair all the way down and twist the very bottom between your fingers. Keep braiding different sections of your hair until you have about twelve plaits. If your hair is shorter, you made need to use smaller sections.

Allow your hair to air dry overnight, and in the morning take down all of your braids. For hair that is prone to frizz, add an oil to your finger tips when you unravel the braids. Separate the braided sections further if you want more fullness. Top it off with a cute headband and your classmates will find it hard to pay attention to the teacher instead of your pretty curls.

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Find Out How to Maintain Your Braid Out

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