Ties to the Afro

Health consciousness

With the NHM, words like ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ are being overused by beauty brands in an effort to stimulate revenue from the natural hair market.

Despite that thinly veiled attempt to milk a new cash cow, many naturals are indeed vegans or vegetarians. Many do pride themselves on healthy eating and using natural or DIY products while also embracing the minimalist lifestyle.

The NHM in effect ties into the overall whole health trend of veganism, vegetarianism, exercise and even the increasing awareness of environmental impact and reducing our carbon footprint.


Because fashion tends to be heavily influenced by cyclical trends, clothing and style are certainly reflective of the times. Within the black community, naturals are associated with vintage clothing, bohemian silhouettes and vibrant prints. I call it a summer festival dress code where comfort meets style and eco friendliness.


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