Lisa Price, founder of Carol’s Daughter, offers a few tips and suggestions to make curly, coily and kinky life a bit easier:

  1. Do you use hair gel, hairspray or mousse to style your hair? Get the “gook” out by clarifying your hair with our Rosemary Mint Purifying Shampoo and Conditioner at least once per month (or as necessary”>.

  2. Did you know? Our Rosemary Mint Conditioner is great as a conditioning co-wash. Simply use in place of shampoo for daily cleansing.

  3. Buy Carol’s Daughter products here!

  4. Instead of using hair gel (that can sometimes be drying and damaging”>, try 100% Aloe Vera gel instead.

  5. If you’re transitioning from relaxed to natural, try wearing braids or twists if you don’t want to cut your hair.

  6. Proper washing technique: Do not pile your hair on the top of your hair when shampooing. Allow your hair to hang down while focusing on your scalp. Use your fingertips (not nails”> to massage your scalp.

  7. Did you know? Some conditioners can be used as a styling cream for curls. The thicker the consistency, the better. Experiment to find which ones work best for you.

  8. Adding a tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil to a palm-full of your regular conditioner will give you increased (and amazing!”> moisturizing benefits.

  9. For more control and shine, try using a dime sized amount of Hair Milk on damp hair before styling.

  10. Woke up with bad curls that can’t be revived? Use 100% Aloe Vera gel to help slick back your hair into cute, sleek, poufy ponytail puff.

  11. To help stimulate hair growth, massage your scalp using Lisa’s Hair Elixir as a pre-shampoo treatment.
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