Hola Chicas,

You can either take your socks off now, or I can knock ’em off for ya…

henna treatment

It’s official. As of last night, I’ve henna’ed two months in a row! Can you believe it?!

But as with everything else in my life, things are not the same. Now that Gia has been set loose upon the world, I’ve had to cut corners. Gone are the days that I could jump in the shower three times (pre-application, pre-deep treatment, post-deep treatment”> for one henna hair color session. The soundtrack that Boogie graces the house with when she feels “forgotten”, is well, shrill and unpleasant. I’ve gotta get in and get out, and so below, you’ll find instructions for my shortened henna treatment.

Nikki’s Quick Henna Hair Color Treatment

6 hours total (or more if you leave in overnight”>

Whip it up and apply (1 hour”>

  1. Bring 2 cups of water to nearly boiling and remove from heat.
  2. Pick your acid. Either add a tablespoon of orange juice or Apple Cider Vinegar to the water, or my personal favorite, steep a couple of bags of green tea.
  3. In a plastic container or glass bowl, mix the slightly acidic water with 200g of Jamila henna powder.
  4. Mix in a tablespoon (or more”> of honey. The end result should look like thick mashed potatoes or cake batter.
  5. Cover and proceed to the bathroom.
  6. Gently detangle dry hair with fingers (you can follow up with a wide-toothed comb if you like”>.
  7. Twist detangled sections (I usually end up with 10″>.
  8. Put on a pair of plastic gloves and clip all of the twists out of the way, except for the one you want to work with. I always start in the back and work to the front.
  9. Remove the twist, and apply henna in a smooshing motion. Layer it on thick like cake batter.
  10. Repeat with the other twists.
  11. Gather henna filled hair and don a plastic baggie, placing stretched out cotton balls around the outer edge for comfort and to prevent drippies. Finally, throw on a pretty silk scarf so you don’t scare your roommate or significant other.
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