photos courtesy of key.air.uhhhhh

With a new year approaching, it’s time to start fresh with exciting natural hair trends. Since the natural hair sensation started rising a few years ago, there have been numerous myths and misconceptions swirling around within the natural hair community. Here are the 4 common natural hair myths that we need to leave in 2015.

It’s now time to put a stop to these natural hair myths and state the truth. 

1. It will never grow long

FACT: Your natural hair is capable of reaching your desired length goal and growing out long. It takes time and patience for hair to grow and reach waist length, if that’s what you’re going for. The rate of your hair growth depends on several factors: physical and mental health, diet, hair and scalp regimen, and genetics. Consider the amount of shrinkage you get after washing, this can disguise your hair’s true length. Create styles that stretch the hair, like twist-outs, braid-outs, and roller sets, as opposed to your usual wash and go.

2. It’s always dry and tangled

FACT: Hair that is kinkier and tightly coiled produces less natural oils which results in the appearance of dry and tangled hair. Hair that maintains elasticity and is moisturized won’t dry out quickly and isn’t susceptible to tangles. To stop dryness and tangles, create an effective hair moisturizing method using a rich moisturizing conditioner for your weekly or bi-weekly washes, followed by a heavy sealant like castor oil or raw shea butter. Stay away from certain silicones and sulfate based shampoos and conditioners and light oils and butters.

3. It’s difficult to manage

FACT: Natural hair is difficult to manage without proper knowledge of hair health. Take the time and effort to learn how to take care of your hair and understand the science behind overall hair health. Not every natural hair product will work for you, so try to recognize your hair likes and dislikes by experimenting with different products and treatments. Don’t worry about finding the best products right away, it takes time to build the perfect natural hair regimen.

4. It isn’t professional

FACT: Natural hair is very versatile–there are tons of looks that are perfect to wear in the office. Don’t limit yourself to the same straightened, flat styles. Think outside the box and find styles that are sleek yet trendy. Spice up your bun by adding a braid around the crown or any accessory. Have fun with your natural hair.

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