2. Tightly Curly Method (TCM”>

TCM is similar to the curly girl method, as it agrees that a cleansing conditioner can replace shampoo. Created by Teri LaFlesh, a curly girl who struggled for years with your own hair, the key to this method is tons of conditioner and a paddle or Denman brush. Conditioner is slathered onto your tresses to point of squishing through your fingers. Once that’s been applied, section the hair and use a brush to smooth out your curls and allow them to clump.

Once the entire head is complete, reinforce the definition by finger combing and smoothing or twirling each curl. Just as in the CGM, allow your curls to dry without touching. Many curlies using the tightly curl method rave of super hydration to their hair and the curls stay distinct and happy.

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