Leaving chemical treatments on too long

There is a reason products have directions and warning on the labels. They are preventing the consumer heartache and pain but despite the warnings, many women are not taking heed and use products incorrectly with devastating results.

If you want your hair dye to give you a stronger, richer color, then try a bolder color or a higher quality brand instead of leaving the chemicals on longer. We’ve all done it, whether we choose to admit it or not, but keeping a chemical on our tresses longer than the instructed time is not safe even if we don’t see the damaging effects immediately. Since our edges are the most fragile, they are the hairs that most often suffer the consequences of straightening and leaving the color on longer. It’s not worth it.

Satin bonnets

Surprised to see this on the list? Well, I was too until I thought about it and it truly made sense. Some of us are using bonnets with cotton around the edge and the cap can be too tight or rubbing against our hairline. There are satin bonnets with satin edges that are better.

Too much styling product

Yes, back in the day many of us loved slicking down our baby hairs. Oh, I know it ain’t just me!  I’ve seen some exaggerated baby hairlines that were the most, but all that gel day in and day out being slapped on your edges is not always healthy. Put down that brush, back away from the slicked down edges, and give your hair a break! The smooth look is not for everyday and your edges need to breathe, so remember you are no longer a baby and neither are your edges.

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