Every day the average person loses about 60-100 strands, but what do you do if you begin to notice more drastic hair loss?


Changes and/or sudden development in hair loss is an issue people around the world face, so if you feel like you’re losing hair, you’re not alone. You may have already begun to research different ways to prevent and treat further thinning of your hair, and you have probably come across “natural” hair crèmes or infomercial type pills that vow to stop hair loss in its tracks. However, the idea that there is a perfect supplement or vitamin that is capable of fully alleviating hair loss is an oversimplified one, and there are many things to consider before determining the right option for you.

Is there a vitamin that helps with hair thinning?

While there are plenty of vitamins that tout themselves as being able to prevent hair thinning from happening, as well as stopping current hair thinning, it is important to note that the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate supplements. Basically, the FDA does not validate the claims of vitamins to actually do what they say they do.

So, while there may not be a cure-all solution for your thinning hair, that doesn’t mean you don’t have options.

Studies have shown that there are elements of nutrition that supplements help to address that may make a difference. According to an article in Huffington Post, certain essential vitamins are a must have for hair health, “Daily multivitamins or prenatal supplements help to fill gaps found in our diets,” said Dr. Piliang, a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic, “We tend to restrict carbohydrates or fats for weight loss or replace them with juices, but vitamins contain important nutrients like biotin, zinc, and B-complex that help to enhance the health of our hair.”

Should you take a vitamin reported to help with hair thinning?

The answer to this will depend on a few factors.

  • As with any type of supplement you are considering adding to your routine, you should always consult your doctor to make sure it is a good idea.
  • Something else to consider is whether or not the supplement uses concentrated levels of elements known to help with hair loss or thinning. For instance, a hair loss supplement may say it has iron or B5, but it may have more filler than those key ingredients.
  • Do your research! It is imperative to read labels and understand the ingredients you are putting into your body if you aim to achieve optimal health benefits from a new supplement or vitamin.

Remember to always check with your doctor before adding vitamins to your routine, because you could be risking your health if you don’t. Some vitamins that may be beneficial for hair growth may affect other parts of your body in dissimilar ways. For example, if you aren’t currently having an issue with low iron, but you add it because you read low iron affects hair vitality, you can overload on iron to the point of increasing your risk for cancer, heart disease, and other dangerous conditions.

What are the best supplements to ask my doctor about for my thinning hair?

Photo Courtesy of @grasiemercedes Instagram

There are a few key vitamins that everyone needs to some extent in order to keep your body and hair as healthy as possible. If you feel hesitant about adding supplements of the listed vitamins to your routine, another option is to simply make sure you eat a well-balanced diet consisting of foods that are rich with those vitamins. Again, you should consult your doctor if you have questions. Here are the top vitamins associated with hair health.

• Vitamin D

• Iron

• B Complex

• Zinc

According to Healthline, there are certain guidelines to follow when adding these vitamins in supplement form.

Iron issues should be discussed with your healthcare provider. Zinc is usually only an issue for excessive sweaters or athletes, but again, you can check with your doctor. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans make the following recommendations regarding B complex and vitamin D:

• Adults over age 50 should take a vitamin B-12 supplement or add foods fortified with vitamin B-12 to their diets. Many breakfast cereals and some soy products are fortified with B-12.

• Older adults, people with dark-colored skin, and people who don’t get much sunlight exposure should take a vitamin D supplement or add foods fortified with vitamin D to their diet. Some dairy products, soy products, orange juice, and breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin D.

At the end of the day, losing hair is normal.  However, if you feel that your hair loss is excessive, or even if you want to start supplementing vitamins as a part of your healthy hair routine, there are many nutritional factors to consider. There is no one, concrete answer, because every body and every hair strand is different. There is a general consensus though, that the key to healthy hair lies in a well-balanced intake of essential vitamins, which can be supplemented through diet or a combination of diet and supplements.

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