Mental Renewal


Most of us never stop to consider how often we feed our minds less-than-healthy fuel. Whether it’s reality TV, bad romance novels, talk radio, or Farmville, the activities we pursue in our downtime often don’t renew our energy, and may even deplete it.

No, you don’t have to read scholarly articles and watch educational documentaries every day, but it is important to throw some thought-provoking activities into the mix. Consider visiting a museum, gallery, or arboretum that you normally pass by, or try your hand at something creative like painting or writing.

“What you feed your mind influences your thoughts, attitude, and energy,” points out Milazzo. “You need mental energy to be creative and to make good decisions. You don’t have to give up ‘junk’ entirely. In fact, I find that reading a frivolous book every now and then is kind of like indulging in a buttery bag of popcorn, but make sure that you’re also watching, reading, and experiencing new, challenging, and inspirational things.

And the best part is, you don’t have to carve any more free time out of your day. Just imagine what you could learn and accomplish in the time it takes to watch a sitcom or two!”


Think about it: life without celebration would be one long stream of to-do lists, thankless tasks, and mindless drudgery. When you accomplish a goal or pass a milestone — big or small — it’s smart to take a little time to celebrate your success. Taking a moment to truly appreciate your accomplishments is one of the simplest ways to reduce stress in your life. Even thirty seconds of allowing joy to bubble up inside you can act as a great pick-me-up and keep burnout at bay.

“You need to experience satisfaction when you reach your objectives, so make a habit of celebrating each success,” Milazzo reiterates. “When you acknowledge the little things, the big goals also seem more attainable. For example, just being considered for a promotion is worthy of self-congratulations. Even if things don’t work out as you hoped they would, you can still celebrate your willingness to step out into the unknown.”

Renew with the People You Love

Have you ever noticed that we often work ourselves to the bone to benefit the people we love, and end up rarely spending time with them as a result? While you can’t blow off all work and responsibilities, you can make sure that close relationships stay at the top of your priority list. The fact is, since life and love don’t happen in a vacuum, surrounding yourself with people you love guarantees you more positive experiences.

“When you cultivate strong relationships of all kinds, you will create memories, and you will not have to face anything alone,” Milazzo says. “Plus, women in particular are wired to connect, so when you schedule date nights and girls’ nights, take part in traditions, and create memories, you’ll be more fulfilled. Also, responsibilities, tough times, and problems that need to be overcome don’t seem nearly as overwhelming when you have a team of friends and loved ones on your side!”

Renew by Giving Back

The phrase “giving back” often conjures up the mental image of a wealthy philanthropist writing sizeable checks to various charities and organizations. No wonder many of us don’t consider ourselves to be givers. We’re more focused on making sure that our own accounts aren’t overdrawn! However, giving doesn’t have to mean cracking open your wallet. Time, mentoring others, or giving spiritual or emotional support are all just as valuable.

“Giving is a gratifying and renewing act because it disconnects you from yourself and your own problems, creating fresh perspective,” Milazzo asserts. “I’ve found, for example, that when I extend encouragement, even if it’s just a quick, ‘Thinking about you!’ text message, I receive that same gift back abundantly in my own life. When you live selflessly, you will attract genuine relationships, unconditional support, and lasting respect…and you’ll also leave behind a positive legacy that you can be proud of.”

“Ultimately, taking the time to renew yourself will give you the energy and capacity to enjoy the life you were blessed with, even in the midst of tough times,” Milazzo concludes.

“Remember that it’s okay, and even encouraged, to take care of yourself. While periodic and strategic renewal won’t get rid of all your problems, it will lighten your load and help you to remain solid in the midst of the chaos.”

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