I’ve had the privilege to be around some absolutely gorgeous hair, from TWAs to mid-back length curls, from natural to eye-popping colors, from type 2 waves to type 4 coils, and I’ve come to a realization. I’ve discovered that it’s natural to have a bit of hair envy when you’re surrounded by beautiful natural hair, no matter what form it comes in. Most of the time it motivates me, but sometimes it makes me jealous. Yep, even I’m guilty.  *Raises hand*

The natural hair movement is so powerful and is grabbing quite a bit of attention. Just take a walk down the street; I’m sure you’ll notice a few more curly haired folks than usual. Especially if you’ve ever been stuck in a styling rut, seeing a gorgeous mane of curly twirls can be just what the doctor ordered. So when I see a fly natural hairstyle, I can’t help but get excited! This excitement is usually followed by a quick gab session about our hair, styling tips and product options. You’ve got to love the bond between naturals!

Is Textured Hair Envy Okay?

How thin is the line between motivation and jealousy, and does it even matter? As it seems to be with our society, if there’s something you don’t have there’s always a way to either get it — or at least fake it.

If it’s a long, curly head of hair you’re seeking, you can pop on a wig in a heartbeat and keep it moving. Heck, you can even throw on a short wig to give you a different look, especially when this summer heat starts kicking in.

What kind of world would this be if everyone had the same hair?  Let’s face it, it’d be a very boring one! Curls are everywhere and it’s great to be in such good company.

It’s easy to find motivation, not just with our hair, but in everyday life too. That feeling may shift towards jealousy if you find yourself coveting something or someone else to the point where you resent what you have. You should NEVER be ashamed of what you have, no matter the length or type of hair you have. Believe me, there’s always someone out there who adores you as you are, curls and all!

Styling your natural hair isn’t always the easiest process, but the results are usually worth every hour you’ve invested. It’s okay to appreciate the curls adorning someone else’s head; it’s great to give a compliment and let it motivate you.

What kind of world would this be if everyone had the same hair? Let’s face it, it’d be a very boring one! Curls are everywhere and it’s great to be in such good company. So embrace your curls, because you never know, you may be motivating someone else!

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