
Vickie Milazzo, author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller “Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn’t Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now,” offers ten self-renewal strategies every woman can use to replenish her physical energy on a regular basis.

Vickie was recognized as the Most Innovative Small Business by Pitney Bowes’s Priority magazine and received Susan G. Komen’s Hope Award for Ambassadorship. Author, educator, and nationally acclaimed speaker, this multimillionaire entrepreneur shares her vast experience with thousands of women.

Renew Your Physical Energy – This Weekend!

  1. Gas up! Give your body the fuel it needs without being fanatical. Boost your energy and immune system with vitamins, antioxidants, green tea, and ground flaxseed with natural Greek yogurt. And since refined carbs and sugars deplete energy, replace them with fruits and vegetables. Eat small amounts every three or four hours, and guard against skipping breakfast or lunch. Your body will compensate, and you’ll lose steam later in the day. Another big mistake women make is avoiding fat altogether. Healthy fats such as omega-3s are essential for physical energy and a strong immune system.
  2. Move it. Find a type of exercise that sparks your fire, because you need to enjoy what you’re doing in order to keep doing it! Create a plan that includes variety. Start with aerobics, such as walking, jogging, or biking, and add weight training three times a week to increase lean body mass and boost metabolism. You might also try working out with a trainer. It’s mental of course, but most women are apt to crank out a few more reps or run a few minutes longer when a buff guy named Jerome is watching!
Don’t ignore your body’s wants and needs. Sleep is essential!
  1. Sleep it off. Eight hours every night is essential for daily self-renewal. When you’re sleep deprived, you’ll notice a big difference in your physical condition, mental attitude, and ability to cope with stress. Sleep research has shown that with fewer than eight hours of sleep you are working at increased levels of cognitive deficits. Fewer than six hours of sleep and you’re considered DUI — driving under the influence. So if you want to avoid energy imbalances, skip that late-night TV show and regulate your sleep schedule!
  2. Clean up. We all have nutritional vices, but when you’re addicted to strong coffee, for example, you don’t quit cold turkey. In this instance, first replace one scoop of regular coffee in your coffee pot with decaf, then two scoops, and so on. Eventually, you might even start drinking green or white tea so that your energy doesn’t start to sag later in the day. This method of gradual change can be applied to all sorts of unhealthy food and drink.
  3. Rub it out. A weekly massage is great for self-renewal. If that’s not realistic for you, start with once a month. You can manage cost by getting discounts at a massage school or by trading massages with a friend. Think of it as maintenance, not a luxury! Your muscles will certainly thank you.
  4. Indulge. Treat your body like the temple it is. Carve out a time when you can pamper yourself with a facial, pedicure, or soak in the tub. Even if it means skipping a TV show, you’ll find the extra time spent on yourself well worth the investment.
  5. Breathe. Breathe consciously at least once an hour. Expand your lungs. Practice diaphragmatic breathing, consciously taking that diaphragmatic breath all the way into your lower back. Oxygen is energy.
  6. Shed your skin. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it is responsible for much of your body’s elimination and detoxification. Give yourself a dry brush massage before showering. In minutes you’ll feel wonderful. Start at your toes and work upward, brushing in small circles. Make sure your diet is also rich in healthy foods for your skin.
  7. Just say no. Avoid depending on drugs to quickly fix what ails you. Drugs (and herbal remedies”> have side effects and often divert you from making changes toward healthy living habits. Before getting on the drug bandwagon, seek healthier, safer alternatives. Better yet, be your own doctor and prescribe a healthy, no-drug lifestyle for yourself.
  8. Aim for attainable fitness. Having a healthy, energetic, and trim body at 50 is a perfectly realistic goal. However, looking like a hot 20-year-old in those low-riders won’t happen, and aiming for the latter goal will rob you of the enjoyment of your healthy body.

Want more?

Check out more of Vickie Milazzo’s weekend self-renewal tips.

Final Thoughts

Committing to physical self-renewal this weekend will set you on the right path for next week — for you, your friends and your co-workers. Positive energy encourages others, so get to it!

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