a working Curly

The transition from student to career girl is a difficult one for most girls. You’re suddenly plunged into a world of desk sitting from 9-5, when not too long ago you were constantly on your feet walking from class to class. Not only is your schedule different, but the days of waking up and throwing on your college hoodie are over. Now you’re expected to look professional from head to toe. What’s a girl to do? Whether you just started your first job, you need some help dressing for your next interview or you just want to try out a new look, here are some tips for giving yourself a career-ready makeover.

Professional Curls, Coils and Waves

Most ladies are under the impression that textured hair is unprofessional. This is false. Frizzy, unkempt and un-styled hair is unprofessional — not because it’s textured, but because it shows that you put little to no effort into your hair. The same could be said for straight hair. So how do you get perfectly styled curls that convey your confidence? The key is caring for your curls with a well devised regimen.

  • Add a leave in conditioner to your regimen: Leave-in conditioner can reduce frizz and add moisture and can help you get a clean, polished appearance.
  • Reactivate your styling agent in the morning: You don’t need to wash your hair every morning to get that freshly styled look. Instead, use a mist of water or a spray such as Kinky-Curly Perfectly Polished to get first-day-looking curls on the second day.
  • Add a finishing product to your regimen: To ensure that your hair looks neat and professional, apply a finishing product after styling. If you have wavy or curly hair, often a light serum is enough. However, if you’re hair is coily, try the Original Moxie Hair Shine Pomade.
  • When all else fails, pull the hair away from your face: Most employers would agree that hair hanging in your face is the most unprofessional look you can wear to the office. If you’re having a bad hair day, remedy it by taking the strands closest to your face and pinning them behind your head. Get creative with a curly updo or a coily updo to make an old twist out look fabulous and professional.
Read about the makeup for this look on page 2…

Read More: The Politics of Hair

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