hair transplant

Over time and with age, your hair will undergo a number of changes.

You may notice that there is more gray appearing, or perhaps the texture of your hair has started to get curlier. Maybe your hair feels and looks thinner. Have you experienced actual hair loss? It’s normal, and there is a cosmetic solution that requires going under the knife. For those who want to cover baldness with a very natural result, hair plugs can be an an effective option. A hair transplant, also referred to as hair plugs, is a surgical procedure that involves taking hair from a healthy area of your scalp and moving it to another area that is balding.

A hair transplant, also referred to as hair plugs, is a surgical procedure that involves taking hair from a healthy area of your scalp and moving it to another area that is balding.

Depending on the case, you may need to have more than one session planned for the procedure. First, a licensed doctor will review what needs to happen and how large of an area on your scalp should be covered.

There are different types of transplants which are based on the size of the area to be covered. For example, a mini graft will transplant just 2 to 4 hairs at a time. There are also grafts known as micro, slit, punch and strip. Each type of transplant moves and literally plants a certain number of hairs to the designated area(s”>.

hair plugs

Pre Op

Before your procedure, your physician will consult with you. He or she will show you real images of before and afters on previous clients. They will also go over the length of the surgery, requirements for preparation (should you fast the day of?, etc.”>, and if there is a need for multiple sessions. For the most part, the surgeries are performed at the doctor’s office, or an outpatient surgery center, so you will most likely be sent home the same day.

Procedure day

During the surgery, patients are given a local anesthesia  and the site is numbed. The doctor will trim the donor site area on the head to make it easier to remove the grafts, inject saline into the graft to keep it’s strength, create small holes in the balding area to insert the transplants then stitch the grafted area(s”>.

Post Op

Once the surgery is complete, the doctor will cover the area with gauze, administer medications, and discuss the recovery period process. During this time, for approximately 10 days, clients are restricted in their daily activities and told to avoid strenuous physical activity and sports while they heal.

After the recovery period, the stitches will be removed and the area can be gently washed. The hair can also be gently washed and tended to. Doctors remind patients that their new hair will growth will take several months to occur.

With this surgery there are risks of infection, scars and excessive bleeding. However, these types of procedures are considered low risk and usually have great results for both men and women.

Find a hair transplant specialist near you with this database provided by Hair Site.

Have you gotten a hair transplant before? What was your experience like?

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