

By and large, it appears the benefits outweigh the potential consequences (of course, unless you are taking a specific drug known to adversely interact”> of taking biotin. If you are concerned with acne outbreaks and rashes, here are a few tips on how to help keep your skin clear:

  • Start out at low doses. Anywhere under 500mcg is ideal. If your body tolerates it well, you can move up as far as you feel comfortable doing.

  • Try taking biotin alone at first, instead of as a part of a multivitamin. This can be difficult to do, but it will help you better assess how your body tolerates biotin. If you feel all is well after a few weeks, it should be safe to incorporate biotin into a multivitamin regimen.

  • Be sure to get adequate levels of vitamins A, C, E, and Zinc. All these vitamins and minerals assist in the production of healthy skin cells, collagen, and acne treatment.

  • Drink Apple Cider Vinegar. This is a personal anecdotal piece of advice from me — I drink a 1-2 tablespoons of diluted ACV every night before bed. It has helped keep breakouts at bay, and even got rid of some pesky bumps I had along my jawline before I began taking the vitamin.

At the end of the day, biotin can be beneficial for a number of health and beauty-related reasons. However, this vitamin isn’t for everyone and the pros and cons should carefully be examined before trying it out for yourself.
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