Dear Dickey: I’m 18 years old and I live in the Philippines. The top layer of my hair is 2a but when i put my hair in a half ponytail the bottom layer of my hair is straight. I want my hair to have more defined curls on all layers. What products can I try and what can I do?

A: Try Hair Rules Curly Whip—it’s designed to maximize your curl pattern to give you beautifully defined curls. The key is to make sure you’re applying it to hair when it’s soaking wet—how it looks wet is how it will set.

Dear Dickey: This past January I had a relaxer put on my curly hair. Before that I used to straighten it every once in awhile and it would take hours. Now that I have the relaxer it takes 20 minutes. I miss my curly hair and want it back. When I had curly hair, I never knew how to style it or what products to use in my hair. It always seemed to be “Frizzy” and “huge”. Any suggestions? Thanks!

A: You have to make sure you’re caring for your hair based on your texture. Try using a sulfate-free, non-suds shampoo, which will clean your hair without stripping it of essential moisture, which often leads to frizz. Hair Rules Daily Cleansing Cream is gentle on hair while still doing everything you need a shampoo to do. Follow it up with a lightweight conditioner like Hair Rules Quench, which will give hair the moisture it needs without weighing it down and making it appear limp or greasy.

Use a styling product specific to curls, like Hair Rules Curly Whip, and make sure to apply it when hair is soaking wet. After you’ve applied product, don’t touch your hair while it’s drying!! This will create unneeded friction in the

hair, and will lead to frizz.

Finish the entire look off with a finishing cream like Hair Rules Hydrating Finishing Cream. This will seal in necessary moisture and will help prevent hair from frizzing up during the day.

Dear Dickey: For the past four years I have been been struggling with finding the right products that will make my hair look its best, but I fear I don’t quite know what products would work best for my hair. I think that I am somewhere in the Type 3 to Type 4 area, but I’m not sure. When I wet my hair, it gets longer and much more easy to comb, but as it dries, it curls very tightly into pen-spring-sized spirals. Very pretty if you ask me, until it is completely dry. When wet, my afro is about a foot long, but as it dries it begins to coil so much that it is only four inches long!!! If I keep my hair continually wet while I detangle I can put my fingers through it, but there is so much frizz. It does not make a zig-zag pattern when it curls and waves a bit when it is wet. What products can I use that will allow me to detangle my hair, keep it moisturized for an entire day without being a slave to product and retain at least a little of my natural curl?

A: To prevent your hair from tangling or drying so that your hair develops a better curl pattern that stays defined longer use Hair Rules Daily Cleansing Cream Shampoo. This unique no suds cleanser will help detangle your hair while you shampoo so that your curl will stay elongated and hydrated and hair is left soft. This will help your conditioner work better with your curl. Any shampoo that has suds will cause your hair to dry and frizz and will not hold a curl pattern. Now for the final step. After rinsing your conditioner (Quench Ultra Rich Conditioner“> your hair should be left soft and completely detangled with a beautifully defined spiral. This is where you add your miracle styling product, Curly Whip (a lightweight gel”> that fixes your curl pattern to perfection. The trick here is to sit under a portable hood dryer for 10-15 minutes to set the hair and prevent frizz. You can let the rest air dry. Be sure not to touch the hair until it dries. Then all you have left to do is fluff and go!

Dear Dickey: I’m a teen and I cut my hair last week and it’s a TWA that’s less than an inch long. What can or has to be done as far as caring and styling it. Oh, and just another question would getting braids, like Senegalese twists or micros, damage my hair?

A: In order to get a beautiful curl pattern use the Daily Cleansing Cream to keep hair refreshed, but also soft and hydrated. Follow by using Quench Ultra Rich Conditioner and Curly Whip in the shower for more defined curls. Braids are not always damaging for the hair, but can be if you keep them in for over a month, or if they are too tight. They can be especially damaging in these cases around the hair line.

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