three young women smiling and laughing with curly, coily and wavy hair

We all want and need a few tips and reminders about how to help your curly, coily and wavy hair be the best it can be. So, stay tuned this month for a daily dose of tips for happier, healthier curls, coils and waves!

31 Daily Tips:

  1. Cleanse your curls: 4 Tips for Washing Curly Hair
  2. Cleanse your coils: Tips for Cleansing Coily Hair
  3. Cleanse your waves: 3 Tips for Washing Wavy Hair
  4. Use conditioner on your curls: 3 Tips for Conditioning Curly Hair
  5. Use conditioner on your coils: How to Use Conditioner for Co…
  6. Use conditioner on your waves: 6 Tips for Conditioning Wavy…
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